Due to the fact that I had been on bed rest for almost two weeks, she told me to work on getting my energy level up before I go back to work. Well, it probably wasn't the greatest idea to go have Thanksgiving lunch at Bay Haven with Amy and her students the following day because I had to walk all over the campus! Followed by another bad idea which was when Shane and I went out to dinner with mom and dad and then we all went to Sam's Club. All the walking I did that day at Bay Haven and Sam's is probably what caused my water to break that night. Hey...but as least I got my energy level up!!
I remember it so clearly. I was lying in bed and it was about 2:00 in the morning and I started having contractions. They were about 20-30 minutes apart so I wasn't really concerned because of all the false alarms we had. I got up and got me a glass of water and got on the computer. I went back to bed at 3:00 and Madison was moving and kicking a lot. I felt her kick one time and it hurt so I rolled over. Then she kicked again and my water broke! Totally not how I had it pictured in my mind the was this was all going to happen!
When I woke Shane up, he was literally like Fred Flinstone. He jumped out of the bed and ran into the bathroom then back into the bedroom about 3 times before he realized what was really going on. He called my mom and dad and off we went to the hospital. Sweet Madison Grace was born at 11:29 and weighed 5 pounds 7 inches and was 19 inches long.
Madison was 6 weeks early so she had to go straight to the NICU when she was born. The hardest thing was leaving the hospital without our baby. I had a major meltdown when we got home and she was still in the hospital. I remember Mom, Dad, Amy and Paul were up at the house with us and I couldn't stop crying. I cried the entire 10 days she was in there.
These are some pictures from the day Madison was born and the following days she was in the NICU.
Right after Madison was born.
In the NICU.
Going home! November 26, 2007
Finally home!
Awww...so sweet